Creating inner peace in a world of noise
Wouldn’t it be great to just retire to the Himalayas, find a cosy ‘hut’ away from the noises of this world, meditate and just be free?
Well all sounds great and if financial status allowed it, I’d probably be on the next flight out. But if finding or creating inner peace meant escaping from this world, then why are we all meant to be here, living among each other, sharing this planet?
I guess the key isn’t to run away to places of silence and solitude to find inner peace or to sustain it. But rather to find peace while living in the world as it is. But how the heck do we do that? I mean I can be all calm and peaceful, but let a pushy sales agent call me for the tenth time to sell me something I really don’t need, and I can go from peace to pissed off in ten seconds!
So how do we create and sustain this inner peace in a world of noise? My Guruji, Brahmarishi Mohanji says that “acceptance is the first step to inner peace.” Ps: Read my article on “Mohanji: A destined meeting”.
According to Mohanji’s article published on the Conscious Life News website, He says that “Acceptance of what life brings us is a powerful way to transform our inner experience and that transforms our lives!”. You can read His full article on inner peace and the various modes of acceptance by visiting this rather enlightening article here.

Mohanji also speaks on inner peace in a question and answer session which was published online. He says, “Peace is byproduct. When you have no desires, no effects, spontaneous effects, random effects where you have no control, when that stops, there is only peace. There is nothing else, just peace, complete peace. To maintain that emptied existence of the pockets, all you have to do is to be more and more helpful to the world outside. That is why I constantly say that the enlightenment is not for you it is for the world outside. When you are enlightened, the world is better, the world feels better. The world has become better.”
You can read more from that blog post here.
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