Gurus guiding light and the dark road ahead – part one
The spiritual path appears to be like a bed of roses, with happiness, bliss, contentment and all other nice stuff. But the thing is, it isn’t just a destination, it is a PATH. And that path varies from a flat road, to mountains with unstable rocks, curvy unpaved paths and even ‘dead ends’ which seem like there no way to go anymore…
Shiva is something or someone I have always loved since a little girl (and from lifetimes before). The path to Shiva is not easy and there are numerous god-like men, adorned in saffron robes who self-proclaim to be saints or gurus who scare you into believing that they are your only ‘hope’ to reach Shiva (God)…
Before meeting my Guru, Mohanji, I have met many such people. Some who claimed to predict my future (as a big-time author one day, hahaha), some who tried to belittle me and my love for Shiva and one who even invited me to come and stay with him in India, promising me all his wealth, LOL!
I guess that on the road to spirituality there are numerous fake gurus waiting to take you on as ‘their disciple’ to boost their ego and limit your spiritual growth. Yet my quest for Shiva remained constant, even with all the egotistical guru wanabes whom I met. A test from my beloved Shiva? Who will ever know?
Hearing the name of a real guru, or even just seeing his/her picture or meeting a real guru, just once, is like finding a gem at the bottom of the ocean. It is possible, but extremely rare. I say this because it is incredibly difficult to find or meet a real guru in a world of people who proclaim to be spiritual just to boost ego or make some money. I offer my humble salutations to the numerous real Gurus who walk this earth. As without their grace and guidance, many people who attempt the spiritual path would just be surrounded by these men/women claiming to give you so sort of spiritual aid.
After much prayer, I had finally met the man who I now consider as my Guru, Mohanji. I had heard of him around February/March of 2014 but had only met him physically in April of 2016 and since then my spiritual life has never been the same. But is also doesn’t mean that is has been easy. Read more on our initial meeting in my blog entitled, “Mohanji – A destined meeting”.

I truly believe that my spiritual journey started way before our actual physical meeting. And I also believe that Mohanji , has steadily held my hand through the traps of fakeness, pains, sufferings and even in times of life changing decisions where the correct choices were imperative.
But if you think that your spiritual journey no longer has darkness just because you have a real guru, that is also far from the truth. Yes, the name guru, literally translates as ‘the one who dispels darkness’, and of course he/she is there to light your way and hold your hand through the process. But that doesn’t mean that the darkness or dense energies will not try to bring you down.
Guru doesn’t just shine his/her light to brighten your path, but rather removes toxin waste, ego, concepts, ideals, negative ideas we have about ourselves and just about everything that’s ‘bad’ for us. As that detoxing or emptying process is going on, we tend to shine more and more. More emptiness, the more we shine.
When you are protected by a real Guru, darkness can never touch you. Your guru will always be there to ‘hold your hand’, and protect you, especially from negativity that you aren’t even aware off.
But it can try to poke into your life in different ways and it is important for you to be aware of it… Trying to put seeds of doubt in your mind, trying to disguise lies with things that appear true. But these are all detours to get you off your path. Because when you are taken off the spiritual path, you close the doors to love in abundance. You close divine love and the healing and abundant nature of the divine. Which then gives rise to doubts, worry, insecurities, feeling unloved, thoughts of loneliness and that financial success is something farfetched.
Beloveds, I will conclude here with this article. Please do look out for part two of this blog where I will write more on my spiritual path and how Mohanji’s light has always been there to show me the path to light, to Shiva.

Until next time
Love love love. Forever and always
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