Gurus guiding light and the dark road ahead – part two
What is a real Guru? In the Sri Guru Gita, Lord Shiva lovingly explains the glory of the Guru to Devi Parvati. In verse 9 of the Guru Gita He says, “The Guru is not different from pure, unbounded consciousness, the Self…” And in verse 10 He also says, “…The one by whose light Self-realization arises is known by the name, Guru.”

A real Guru is pure consciousness, Self-realised and One whose light brings others to self-realization.
The guru needs absolutely nothing from this world, nor will He/She demand anything from anybody. He is completely self-sufficient! I would like to share with you my first experience with my Guru, Mohanjias a spiritual being which I had not previously shared before.
It was the third and final day of the weekend program with Mohanji at Nan Hua Temple, Johannesburg. We had spent the weekend in meditation, and beautiful satsangs with Mohanji. Everyone was in complete awe and spoke so lovingly of Him. And there I was, feeling no emotions at all. It was a Sunday and Mohanji was giving a satsang, I was sitting towards the front listening but not really taking in His words. Every word He spoke seemed to be soooooooo enlightening that my brain could not grasp, and it was like the words flew over my head. Nonetheless, I was just sitting and watching Him speak.
Then it happened. One second, I was looking at the man in the human body called Mohanji, and the next I had the most beautifully, blinding and powerful vision of Lord Narayanaya. Viswaroop Narayana with several heads, arms, weapons and so on. Before my mind could understand anything, I had another vision, this time of Mother Adi Shakti. Adorned in a beautiful sari seated on Her radiant lion, wielding all her weapons smiling down at me… And the flash after that was of my most beloved, Lord Shiva. Mahadev. Standing tall and handsome with His trishul in hand, blessing me. Mohanji had given me a vision of His true form. He has quite a masculine built, tall and strong, yet the visions I saw of His true nature, where about 100 times bigger than His human form. I burst into tears with hands folded in pranaams to my Lord. And Mohanji just casually continued with His satsang… Completely unaffected by my tears but completely aware of the realisation He had given me…
This was my first experience with Mohanji as a divine being. My Guru who needs nothing from me or anyone, because He IS everything. Narayanaya, Mother Adi Shakti and Shiva!
Negativity tries to pull you away from your spiritual path especially when You have a real Guru

As I mentioned in part one of this blog, negativity can try to put seeds of doubt in your mind, trying to disguise lies with things that appear true… It also works on your weak point and vulnerability. Dark forces can also make you feel that your spiritual path is susceptible to what you fear the most and then use that against you.
For example, you might have very strong beliefs against violence, but then you have a dream where ‘your guru’ instructs you to kill or harm someone. Or you have certain concepts of money and you ‘hear’ or are made to believe that your ‘guru’ is engaging in fraudulent behaviour… You might have very high boundaries when it comes to your sexuality. Negativity can make you think that the path you are on or your Guru approves or even engages in sexual activities with fellow devotees or even rape! What a disastrous impact that could have on the mind and emotions? Especially if you actually have a real Guru!
As I said in part one of this blog, your Guru will not ‘allow’ negativities to harm you. You are always protected. However, is He in control on your mind or thought process? If you entertain negative thoughts, gossip, doubts and bad talk about your guru or anyone else for that matter, you are also allowing those dark energies to attach itself to you. So, it is best to avoid gossip, bad talk and unnecessary chit chat.
How to avoid negativities of the mind?
Avoid negatives of the world. Each and everyone of us is on our own spiritual journey. We will all have different experiences. So, trust your experience. Instead of ‘seeing’ with your ‘ears’ and trusting or taking to heart any negative experiences of others. Someone had a bad experience with their guru, their path or even with your own guru? Just pray for their wellbeing. And yours too. God always answers prayers! He will never let you fall into the hands of a fake guru. That is, unless you allow it to happen by engaging in negativity, by a lack in conviction and a lack in connection to the source, the path and your guru.
Maintain the highest frequency as possible!
Everyone has different frequencies. Some people might not understand your path, actions and love towards your guru. They might question you, gossip about you or mock you. But as long as you are connected to a real guru, it does not matter. Let it be. Do not bring your frequency down to their level. Do not engage in hate speech or gossip. Gossiping is bad. It not only brings your frequency down, but it also opens your energy to the dark forces to attack you. Any gossip or hate speech against your guru or anyone else, is bad.
Cost of Contaminating Others
In the spiritual path, debit and credit is determined by karma, intent, thoughts, words and actions. When we inspire others, uplift another and try to help others, we are adding credit to our karmic bank account. This doesn’t mean that the intent should be ‘do good to get good’ meaning, only do good for the fruits or benefits of your action. But do good for the sake of doing good actions, for the sake of uplifting others, for the sake of dharma (duty).

On the opposite side, when we do bad, talk bad or are the reason that someone else is in pain, or are the cause of doubt, fear or anxiety in another person, we are also adding bad karmic, i.e. debiting our karmic bank balance.
The cost of contaminating the minds of others, could be disastrous! Sometimes the price you have to pay for that even means leaving your guru, the white path, the path to liberation. And possibly being sucked in to negativities of dark forces.
Engaging in all these negative things is really not worth it.
My Guru has taught me to always give unconditional love to everyone. Be love, be compassion, be kindness. So, I aim to respond to all life situations, people and energies with these powerful weapons of kindness, compassion, gratitude to guru and unconditional love.
Dears I hope this article has served to help inspire you in some way or another. May you always be blessed to love unconditional and may no negative forces ever touch you.
Jai Mohanji (Glories to my Guru Mohanji)
Salona (Maheshwari)
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