Traveling to Europe?
Traveling to Europe is always exciting! Heck traveling anywhere gives you that sense of excitement as adventure awaits!
Here are some travel tips when traveling to Europe!
Always pack light as possible. Yip we might want to carry our entire wardrobe with us, but really, extra weight can be tiresome and downright annoying!
So what to pack? Europeans are cool and won’t mind your business and what you are wearing (unless you are stark naked of course, although even that might not be such an issue in some places haha…) so it is good to pack a small variety of clothing.
Shorts is a must if you are traveling in summer. A good denim will work just fine.
A few good blouses/tops that could match a good pair of semi formal jeans.
Undies of course! And socks… you can never had too many of those.
If you have long hair, it is good to invest in a travel size hair dryer (one that either has or allows the use in a European pin plug).
Carry a lightweight towel. And of course, your shoes. Do not over pack shoes, rather carry neural pairs that could work with various sets of clothing!
A good jacket is important as well. A lightweight pack-able puffer and a cotton scarf is also a must. (I say cotton because it can be used as a pretty add on to your outfit in the summer, but also serve as a neck warmer in the winter.
Traveling to Europe soon, or have been there on holiday? Let us know your travel packing tips in the comments below!
Until next time
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