What does ‘loving yourself’ actually mean?
Many inspirational authors and bloggers encourage readers to ‘love themselves”. But what does it actually mean? And how do we go about loving ourselves?
It is easy to blurt out in words, “yep I love myself” but until those words are felt,and you make the effort to positively transform your life, they will still just remain as words…

Loving yourself goes far beyond what you look like or what job title you hold, how gorgeous your life partner is or how intelligent your children are.
Loving yourself is about loving you a your best and at your worse times. It is that unchanging, divine love that knows and understand you in your deepest pains and fears and in your moments of joy and happiness.
When we let go of the limited, confining concepts of conditioned love, when we stop judging ourselves based on our appearance, successes, titled and wealth, and feel that we can only ‘love yourself’ when we have gained all we want; then we start to welcome the real, abundant love, divine love, into our lives.
Look in the mirror and say you love you. Mean it. Look at all that you have achieved and say you love yourself. Also look at all the things you have not achieved and say you love yourself.
And observe the positive impact those little words will have in your live.
Have you ever had trouble loving yourself? Let us know in the comments below and how you over came it.
Until next time
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